The extra weight in the abdomen and flanks — the Problem with young girls and adult women. So they purchase a thin waist and belly and relief to many of your life fit style: organize the right diet, do the exercise at home or in gyms.

Reach the fat combustion with special straps. To accelerate today, more and more women and men in the pursuit of athletic body, this process a try. Alternatively, practitioners, nutritionists and Fitness trainers recommend the wearing of the belt in combination with the proper diet and Training.
Tips to wear the belt
People with obesity and various degrees of obesity, complicated, prolonged physical exercises, so that you nutrition scientists are developing special diets and recommend the wearing of the belt. Many women and men suffer from diseases of the circulatory and digestive system, physical activity is contraindicated. In order to support the muscles in tone and to get rid of fat formed, should try to carry one or more types of belts.
However, there is a group of people, a sporty and firm stomach, but don't have enough time to visit gyms and conduct strenuous exercise — Workaholics and young mothers. If you have enough time and energy for the daily workout, then we recommend weighing the benefits of wearing seat belts and determine slimming the methods quickly.
The efficacy of the wearing of the belt
Despite the advertising of slimming belt and since the reviews of the buyers seems to be that you can lose weight, on the Couch, a lot of doubt, but the belt buy. With regular wear the belt for slimming manufacturers promise:
- The activation of blood circulation/improvement of microcirculation;
- The muscles become stronger;
- Eliminates tension — helps effectively after the Training;
- Reduce Format Ion Of Fat;
- Tightening of the skin;
- The improvement of efficiency during training.
Function principle
For all types of correction-belts can be combined, select the function principle of the formation of a dense shell, and heating the problem areas. The main objective was not to cool just a few areas to the natural body temperature. During exercise, the body is a liquid for cooling, to keep the optimal temperature. All types of belts are more sweating with subsequent loss of fluid. We will consider in more detail the effect of the most important types of belts.
Depending on the mechanism of the work, there are 3 basic action of belts:
- Thermal effect on problem zones increases metabolism, accelerates deducing of slags and toxins.
- The influence of the Vibration of the belt has an effect of the Massage.
- Impulsive process, promotes reduction of the muscles of the abdomen.
- To find out which belt for belly slimming and the elimination of fat is required, we offer more and more familiar with each view.
The Thermo Belt
Advertising, the promise of the Internet and the reviews that the slimming Belt at the end of the Band with the effect of the Sauna (thermal) is flat in the shortest possible time a owner of a and a toned belly. How do they work? When wearing the belt, in the area of the side of a effect of the "hot Sauna", located on the only area of the body. As a result of the subcutaneous fat to sweat begins to be burned slowly.
Thermo belt device that helps only a Kilo of a certain category of people with overweight 10-15. In these cases, elastic belt with the effect of the Sauna is the main reason of emergence of subcutaneous fat and water retention in the tissues and the emergence of swelling. Note that after the purchase of the belt for removing the belly will be able to effectively fight with being overweight to other areas of the body: neck, hip, or buttock.
Budget Option
The simplest Thermo Belt Slimming belly is made of neoprene and lycra. The cost for such corrective belt will be minimal for the owners of superfluous kgs, but the effect is also unlikely. With the outer side of the belt is made of lycra, and the inside of the substances, the product within the neoprene filled. Fat burning are unlikely to succeed, if the wearing of such a belt (feedback about the wear over several months), if you want to achieve, bodycon belly, then you wear the belt and do the exercise. An integrated approach to heating of the belt helps in combination with the Training reinforced the sweating and helps to remove faster pounds.
Massage Belt

A kind of means to slimming Massage belt. Her work focuses on the shipment of the electric pulse on certain areas. In the belt-Massage beads that accelerate the process of combustion of subcutaneous fat. In addition, the belt material is elastic and has a thermal effect, by which the electrical impulses.
While the vibrations relax the muscles, eliminates fatigue, as a result of the wearing of the belt from the fabric milk excreted acid, the metabolic processes are accelerated. Vibro-belt for slimming the abdomen — an Alternative to traditional Massage for the maintenance of muscle tension. Customer reviews indicate that most of the purchase the product for relaxation and elimination of Stress in the muscles and not burn fat.
After the analysis of the feedback on the application of the Massage-belt, it can be inferred that the purchase is only for the integrated approach to weight loss.
Electric Belt
More efficient, in comparison to the simple thermal belt, an electric belt. Stimulator or electric belt — elastic product, a physio has a therapeutic effect at home. Its exterior is made of cotton, inner made of thermoplastic substances, and in the middle with a special Instrument, the electricity design contraction of the muscles caused, under the influence of an electric current. Aim of Stimulator — eliminate the tension in the muscles after Training, you lead the tone and make the skin supple. Usually, the manufacturer's restriction in the instructions on the application not more than 10 minutes on one area.
Customer reviews electric belts give cause for thought as to the comfort of the external Status of the zones will be processed improved, the skin. But with the obesity problem zones disappear, so that the folds of fat original size.
How to choose the belt for growing thin
To buy if you decide slimming belt, we recommend the basic criteria of selection: the destination and the price. See more Details in this matter.
The purpose of the purchase
For those struggling with being overweight in the belly area — you can buy the best electric belt or with thermal properties. You can wear these kinds of belts during exercise for quick weight loss. Customer reviews claiming unanimously that the wearing of Thermo-and electric belts, without the proper nutrition and exercises pointless.
In the presence of folds of fat, more than 3 cm in reviews and advertising Massage say what you will cost-to purchase the belt. It pays to dress according to the Training — for a fast recovery of the muscles and fatigue. In addition to casual actions, of massage devices that help increase the effectiveness of the exercise, to 10%.
Today, categories are slimming belt in different price. The cheapest elastic belt costs 10 dollars for a high quality Massage or to pay electric, ten times more.
Regardless of the amount spent, always select well-known manufacturer, check the availability of the documents for the goods and inquire about the warranty obligations of the belt.
Terms and conditions of use
The wearing of the belt for removing the result, not of the body hurt — follow the following guidelines.
For electrical and thermal belts
Wear you put the product on cotton clothes without extra. Remember that the wear is elastic waistband during a workout, the General time of the action of the device, and a BodyCon should not be longer than 6 hours in a row. Then you take a shower and apply to certain areas of moisture cream for the body. Regularly wash the belt with the hands in warm water, about 40 degrees.
For Massage Belt
For safe carrying of the Massage belt, you should know that wearing the device should not be longer than 30 minutes. You wear the device on the wet body, best to wear under the bottom cotton T-SHIRT. In the case of complaints — stop the Massage.
Negative Sides-Belts
Reviews about carry all types of belts talk belts the following defects:
- When wearing the belt increases the body temperature considerably, in consequence of the reduced number of exercises, the workout becomes less effective.
- Tight belt leads to a decreased blood circulation in a certain area, and the process of the separation layer of fat will much slower.

Manufacturer of belts recognized that the wearing of the devices can lead to lose weight lead to irreversible consequences for health. Thus, they show the limitations in the application of simple way of losing weight. Strict dress belt prohibited:
- Women during pregnancy and lactation;
- During the diseases: epilepsy, heart organ, Thrombophlebitis, kidney;
- In the period of rehabilitation;
- People with bony metallic implants;
- Wearing different kinds of belt — purely a personal thing, which requires a consultation with the doctor.